Social Tasting Party has the freshest food in town!

About Us

Delicious, healthy, affordable and fresh food for you, your family and friends. That's what's on our menu – and we are glad you've stopped by for a little taste. The experience you'll receive from the Tasting Party

Choose one of our package deals or customize your own packages, hey why not even have your own tasting party let us bring the party to you and give your guest a real treat and event to be remembered


Need your next event catered; we have just what you need try our party packages while you and your taste buds enjoy the party.  We have a wide selection of Wings/ Boneless ( over 30 flavors), Fish, Subs, Pasta, Pizza, Stromboli, Waffle sub, and a wide range of appetizers.

for inquires please send a message thru contact us page to set up a free consultation to create a perfect party package for you. Bon appétit!


SOCIAL BRUNCH PARTY:  11am - 4pm           SOCIAL PARTY:  7pm - 9pm

To participate in the parties you must first become a member by summiting your email address and comment requesting to receive updated emails of up coming events and location for the next party. Parties are held 2x a month on tuesday at our local location. Not a member come as a guest and experience the taste.



contact us by leaving a comment, asking questions, membership, and hosting your own event.  And we will respond within 24hrs


Potential vendors please look at the clients link on this page.

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1378 Hst N.W., Washington, DC

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